I've been so busy lately. College has become a pain in the ass to me. 5 subjects ain't easy especially LAW. PRST lecturer giving out one assignment each week. Imagine that! I think I can't bear it. I'm gonna explode soon. But hello, it's only week 4. Year 2 is a total disaster, now I know. cut the crap and say something happy. Okay, or maybe not.
520 which means 我爱你 in mandrin.
Idk who on earth related 520 to 我爱你 but whatever.It's our 6th MONTHSARY!
6th Monthsary means Half-Anniversary.
Half-Anniversary means HALF A YEAR.
Eh half year very long okay, to me =.=
You know ah we both can walk till today ain't easy. BF bad temper and the GF super barbaric (okay, I admit) Imagine how we get along with each other, until today (23/5/2012 185days)
We've been through so much. He makes me cry, He makes me smile. A man who I hated the most when we fight, but I love the most all the time. He has his devil inside too. I HATE HIM BUT I LOVE HIM MORE. :p
So bf decided to bring me out for a dinner on that day. A day which meant to be memorable. I've been looking forward to it since he said he is gonna book a table for us but at last plan keep changing. ughhhh
Loads of mashed potatoes
Bf and me both super like this!! I finished almost the whole thingy :p
wo de ai ren. He's looking smart with the shirt. mad love hahaha
My super gross pict.
Bf and me both took pict like this actually but I promised not to upload his pict and I have to keep my promise so this is mine :D some even more disgusting but I don't dare to post it up, want abit face ma hahaOkay lai dian zheng chang de :)
I think he looks cute in this pict. hahaha
looking smart yo :)
And me with my super wide smile
When you have food and a camera and you camwhore.
And one more!
Food la
I like it better when he smile with his crooked and I think it's cute!
And we took couple photo and this is how it looks like
smooches for him
smooches for me
spare me for a camwhore pict hahaha
Taking polaroid photos has become our tradition in every celebration.

I didn't force him or asked him to take this pict. He literally posed for a few seconds and I know I have to take a pict for him. so ker ai HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Love our pict. okay la I admit just only some. I looks like a giant beside him. :X
Okay thanks for viewing all our vain pict sorry if harm your eyes.
Okay I lied, this is the last :P
Goodnight, toodles.
Chloe, with love